Transport Futures' Intercity Travel Conference in Toronto

We sponsored the Intercity Travel Conference, organised by Transport Futures and held in Toronto on 27 November 2017.  With a focus on rail and bus, the conference explored the past, present and future state of intercity travel in Ontario, through the lens of both local and international speakers, and their experiences.

A keynote speaker was the Honorable David Collenette, Special Advisor for High Speed Rail to the Provincial Government, who set out Ontario’s aspirations to use HSR to transform mobility, connect communities and foster regional economic growth and development.  Steer Davies Gleave undertook the preliminary planning and development of the Business Case for the concept that supported this work.

Other speakers covered a wide spectrum of the issues and challenges of intercity travel, including serving rural and remote markets, the role of deregulated bus and coach services (notably in markets where government services are encroaching), the experience of Midwest US and European service providers, and views on the Alternative Procurement and Finance (APF) approach to delivery from both sides of such transactions.

Jim Richards

Jim Richards, Rail Market Leader at Steer Davies Gleave, was a speaker at the concluding panel discussion and set out his thoughts influencing the future landscape of intercity travel in Ontario.  Some of this is common to much of the western world, such as an ageing population, autonomous vehicles, technology and economic development. More specific issues included integration across the various rail operators in Ontario, first mile/last mile challenges and broader transit integration.

Overall, the conference provided a timely update on the status of intercity travel in Ontario and the challenges and opportunities moving forward. Steer Davies Gleave will continue to influence and contribute to the debate in the future.

TF Conference

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