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Our people

Matthew is a specialist in developing clearer and more convincing strategic narratives to help clients more effectively secure funding and support for infrastructure investment projects. Building on two decades of experience across the built environment lifecycle in the public and private sectors, helps Matthew to work with a wide range of clients across Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia.


In recent times many local authorities have let their plans lapse as government reduced its emphasis on the importance of LTPs.


Rail’s role in freight fits neatly alongside issues of increasing consumer logistics, decreasing passenger numbers and net zero goals.


Sometime in 2024 we’ll have a General Election. Should the current Government be returned to power, it will look to reset its policy agenda.


In this podcast episode, ‘Voices of the Industry’ interviews Meg Cederoth, Director of Planning and Sustainability at HSR.


Amberside Advisors, a Steer company, were appointed to provide a due diligence review for Lewisham Gateway, resulting in an energy supplier company (ESCO) procurement exercise and transaction support. The chosen ESCO was then to operate and maintain the plant to generate, distribute and supply heat (and electricity if applicable) to relevant supply points, providing energy to the whole estate and its residents.


Steer is pleased to welcome Joel Hawthorn as our newest Associate, joining our team in the Leeds office.


Jim Steer told me he was doing a podcast about the paper that he, Pat Mangan, and I co-authored for the journal Built Environment.


Governments around the World have targeted a hefty expansion in the number of publicly available EV charge-points.


Our Steer colleagues have spoken on panels from Colombia to the UK, with their perspectives firmly focused on the future of transport.

We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into sectors beyond transport.

Explore our new website to learn more about Steer: who we are, how we work and what our future holds.